The one with the Funky Tiles…
…8am site meeting today- I’m not one for a 6.15am alarm (when you’ve been up till midnight addicted to all things interiors on Instagram and your phone says ‘6hrs 15mins’ until your alarm goes off…. 😣), so coffee and breakfast in the car en-route it is…
Meeting with clients and builders before the work starts on their new bathroom. Wait till the builders see our tile choice… eeek! Thick tile, complex pattern… pattern matching up the wall. Plus, how do we get the bath up two flights of stairs…?
It’s going to look fabulous though!
To be fair, our team is great… nothing is a problem, it’s always ‘Yehhhs’ … there might be a slight pause before they reply… but they make everything happen. I think they secretly like our quirky ideas…
Back at the studio it’s an afternoon of drawing our funky tiles to scale, calculating and counting (and re-counting!) the amount to order… plus a bit of last minute sourcing for a client presentation tomorrow morning… preparing a quote for a potential new client… oh and a new job just confirmed! That’s #10 we’re working on at the moment … going to be a few late night’s ahead… and a few more breakfasts in the car.